On 2014-07-28 18:55:59, somebody claiming to be FRIGN <d...@frign.de> wrote:
> The imagefile[0]-tools provide a way to convert between png and if using 
> pipes.
>       4.1) Trivial conversions
>       $ png2if < image.png > image.if
>       $ if2png < image.if  > image.png
>       $ if2png < image.if | feh -
>       (...)

Possible problem with grayscale PNGs in png2if. I get bytes "00 ff 00
ff" for black pixel when it should be "00 00 00 ff".

Looks like you are treating channels [gray,alpha] (2B/pixel) as RGBA
(4B/pixel). if2png ends with "unexpected EOF or row-skew" after writing
half rows.

        $ png2if < gr.png | if2png > gr1.png
        unexpected EOF or row-skew at 200

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