On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 09:36:12PM +0200, Marc André Tanner wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 06:12:30PM +0200, Silvan Jegen wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 08:03:45PM +0200, ale rimoldi wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > - 'J' in visual mode is not implemented
> Why would one use it?

I use it to join several lines together. Instead of typing 15J to
combine a paragraph with 15 lines one could just use vipJ which joins
all lines in the paragraph (useful for macros also).

> > - 'r' does move the cursor
> Fixed
> > - Visual line mode
> Implemented
> > - dd is not .-able
> Seems to work here

You are right. I may have tried this while being on the last line.

> > - dd does not work when used at the end of the file
> Yes, not a big deal (for now)
> > - Pasting a yy'd line with 'p' moves the cursor one additional line down
> Can't reproduce

What I mean is that when I copy the line


in Vim my cursor will be at


while in vis it would be at



where ^ indicates the cell under the cursor position.
On tip it is fixed.

> > - M behaviour when used on file contents smaller than window (bottom vs
> >     middle of the shown buffer)
> Ok.
> > - ZZ should be implemented
> > - ZQ should be implemented
> These should work now?

Yes they do.

> > - 't' stops one character short
> I think what you mean is that it wasn't an inclusive movement? That is
> in combination with an operator it would stop one character short, 
> the movement itself was correct?
> Anyway should be fixed now. 

I can confirm that this is fixed.

Thanks for all your work!



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