Am Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:51:53 +0100

> * FRIGN 2014-10-28 16:10
> > I know of the high poverty in Hungary. However, if you can't afford
> > 3 potatoes, why do you worry about an Internet tax?
> wait, wait, this is misconception. we are far beyond the point that
> internet connection is luxury good and you only need it after you've
> payed all the rest. it should be thought of as water supply…

yea, should be, but even water is more and more thought of as a product.
this conversation is not about luxury goods anyways, it's about 2 to 3
potatoes and a tax that is less than a third of my spotify costs.

even though everyone should have an internet connection and enough food
this is unfortunately not always everywhere the case.

imho, before you die of starvation you should spend your money on 3
potatoes instead of an internet access (the former might be cheaper as

basically I agree with FRIGN if that is not clear yet.

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