On Mon, Jun 01, 2015 at 10:28:40AM -0600, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
> 7heo writes:
> > Suckless comes from suck less. We're not here to settle down on wrong
> > solutions.
> Suckless has settled on the wrong solutions for years. Case in point:
> customizing software by compiling it. How often do you recompile mv, cp
> and rm? Even compiling your kernel is something that should be
> discouraged. Not because compiling is bad, but because a glut of
> features is bad. Customization, knobs, conditional compilation...
> all of these things are anti-Unix.
> Suckless is full of people who fetishize Unix without understanding it.

I'm gonna eat your bait: you're mismatching Unix with BSD.
Furthermore, out-of-the-box, convention-without-configuration software and 
software shipping with their own DSLs, scripting engines, and/or plethora of 
.so plugins equally suck.
Suckless.org software is not TRV VNIX either, some of the devs are plan9 
fetishists and hate heartily some parts of the Unix design (or whatever 
remained from SysV and posix standards) too, so what's the point in searching 
true unixness in here?
Configuration at compile-time is something that caters to an user who would 
like to dedicate sometimes to one of the few clients he/she/it will use in 
his/her/its life for who knows, years or even decades: compile, evaluate, 
edit, recompile. When it's good it'll change only when it'll become bad.
I've compiled st once in a year. Recompiled it only recently to change font to 
It isn't the way to go for devs which live off their program, or for programs 
which have to handle ten thousand RFCs, work under fast-pace in hardware 
development or defend millions of dollars from dozens of different attacks 
from the network.
Imho this development model isn't the right one for a web browser, too. (not 
developing any browser, my opinion is very humble)
And surely is not the way to go for users that don't have no time to waste in 
screwing up their unix offspring and download warez bundled from your 
favourite repo tree.
But this project is aimed to users who like the suckless way, the users who 
like the pacman way or the apt way or the whateverbsd way and like surf too 
should give you money to configure and tag the source in the tidy way you love.

Teodoro Santoni

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