> > For ISO 2022 locking escapes:
> >
> >     me@alarmpi ~> echo -e "\033(0"
> >
> >     me@alarmpi ~>
> >
> > St does this:
> >
> >     me@alarmpi ~> echo -e "\033(0"
> >
> >     ␋┴▒┼@▒┌▒⎼└⎻␋ ·>
> It's not a locking escape. "ESC ( 0" switches your character
> set to VT100 Special Graphics (see [0]).
> Of course, if a given terminal like mosh doesn't have the
> translation-tables, nothing gets "messed" up.

mosh mentions some "UTF8 terminal mode", which is different
from "ISO 2022" and doesn't even have G0-3. It's all mentioned
in the link[1].

[1]: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html#term

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