On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 07:59:50PM +0100, Silvan Jegen wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 07:23:06PM +0100, Marc André Tanner wrote:
> > The current source tree contains a `vis-open` shell script which
> > provides basic file system navigation by means of fuzzy matching using
> > either slmenu or dmenu. It is invoked by default if you open a directory
> > 
> >  :split .
> > 
> > or supply a path containing other shell wildcards such as *, {, or [.
> I have seen the script but I was not sure how to use it from vis itself.
> Being able to open a file to edit in the same vis instance using
> "vis-open" (using the :edit command) would be welcome. I will look into
> it when I have I access to my desktop.

 :e .
 :e *.c

should work if vis-open and slmenu is in your $PATH.

 Marc André Tanner >< http://www.brain-dump.org/ >< GPG key: 10C93617

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