So the screen:
--- turns blue when any key is pressed
--- turns red when a failed password is entered OR an entire buffer is deleted
Following this logic, then it really isn't a bug.


On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 2:16 PM, FRIGN <> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:58:56 -0200
> Brad Luther <> wrote:
> Hey Brad,
>> I think I found a bug on slock.
> No this is not a bug.
>> If you're typing your password and gets a char wrong, you go and
>> delete the char, then continue to type the pass and 'enter' to unlock
>> the screen. All good, screen is blue all the time.
>> Unless... you get the first char wrong. If you mistype the first char
>> of your password and 'backspace' to delete it, the screen goes red
>> even though you didn't 'enter' the wrong password.
> The wanted behaviour is that if somebody touches your computer and types
> anything on the computer, the screen has to be either red or blue.
> red indicating a typing attempt of wrong pw and blue meaning that
> currently something is being entered.
> When you remove a character from a password string, which is not the
> last, slock thinks you are still in editing mode (which is true) so
> it shows blue.
> Now, if you remove the last char, for slock you are like the evil
> coworker typing something in but then thinking: shit, there he is
> coming! quick, remove the entry.
> It's all a security measure so you can see when you go back to your
> computer that someone fucked with it.
> Cheers
> --
> FRIGN <>

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