On 27 February 2016 at 19:56, Marc Collin <marc.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A few days ago arg.h was update on sbase to fix an out-of bounds error.
> After that the same error was fixed (some sooner some later) on lots
> of other projects that also have arg.h like ubase, slock, dmenu, st,
> and others. And many tools that use arg.h are still not fixed. Isn't
> this bad for maintenance? Couldn't projects import arg.h and similar
> tools from another repository and then only 1 place have to be fixed
> to everyone benefit? Or a script that can be run to automatically sync
> all arg.h on git.suckless.org with the master version?

libsl should be the master for all suckless stuff, that is also
duplicated into various suckless sub-projects:



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