On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 02:04:43PM -0400, Greg Reagle wrote:
> Please excuse me if these questions are rudimentary.  I am using Debian
> Stable.
> Why is watch linked with the crypt library?
>   cc -s -o watch watch.o libutil.a -lcrypt
> It does not seem to need it.

watch does not use anything from libcrypt but other tools in ubase do.
It is just a convenience to be able to specify the libs once and not per

> watch uses "\x1b[2J\x1b[H" to clear the screen, which are the two control
> codes Erase Screen and Cursor Home.  These seem to be ANSI escape control
> codes.
> Is it appropriate to use ANSI escape codes in the program rather than using
> something like tput or terminfo, or to just execute the "clear" command?
> Are the escape codes portable?

They are portable for ansi terminals.

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