On 2016-08-13 01:28, hiro wrote:
there already is a suckless shell, called rc. stupid you.

[rc-1.7.4]$ wc *
   210    651   5748 acinclude.m4
  1150   5297  41954 aclocal.m4
    25     64    397 addon.c
    31    134    816 addon.h
    40    352   2206 AUTHORS
   558   1887  12048 builtins.c
   905   3970  26946 ChangeLog
   347   1107   7333 compile
   194    830   4979 config.h.in
  8025  28352 224793 configure
   247    773   7111 configure.ac
    22    155   1004 COPYING
   791   3616  23566 depcomp
    91    201   1533 edit-edit.c
   100    210   1652 edit-editline.c
    12     31    236 edit.h
    35     92    605 edit-null.c
    87    215   1682 edit-readline.c
   104    215   1660 edit-vrl.c
   749   2616  16677 EXAMPLES
   143    481   3373 except.c
   131    483   3014 exec.c
    62    349   1872 execve.c
   261    925   6507 fn.c
   387   1437   9269 footobar.c
    10     51    318 getgroups.h
    51    184   1151 getopt.c
   266   1134   6535 glob.c
   439   1475   9181 glom.c
   317   1208   7253 hash.c
   158    597   3429 heredoc.c
   254   1198   6445 history.1
   347   1151   6824 history.c
   357   1051   7103 input.c
    35    136    853 input.h
   370   2282  15749 INSTALL
   527   1989  13997 install-sh
    23    109    675 jbwrap.h
   416   2406  11511 lex.c
    57    213   1160 list.c
   154    470   3356 main.c
    71    259   1984 Makefile.am
   955   3738  33819 Makefile.in
    99    384   2166 match.c
   215    965   6872 missing
   162    512   3538 mkinstalldirs
   239    703   5695 mksignal.c
    26     58    438 mkstatval.c
   139    587   3181 nalloc.c
    24    179   1139 NEWS
    63    195   1309 open.c
  1117   5986  40462 parse.c
    37    103    627 parse.h
   174   1065   5383 parse.y
   381   1101   7831 print.c
   100    345   2366 proto.h
  2163   8496  45795 rc.1
   394   1310   9187 rc.h
    38    152    977 README
    77    288   2097 redir.c
    53    107    858 rlimit.h
   106    301   2131 signal.c
     6     11     98 stat.h
   151    599   3497 status.c
    61    179   1045 system-bsd.c
    10     45    237 system.c
   174    603   4591 tree.c
    45     91    713 tripping.c
   599   2555  16718 trip.rc
    81    307   1739 utils.c
   225    951   5896 var.c
   128    344   1952 wait.c
    23     69    463 wait.h
   365   1196   8476 walk.c
   142    518   3325 which.c
 27131 104399 729126 total

27 thousand lines of bloat.

on what planet is this suckless? Just because it was once part of the plan 9 toy OS you admire so much? hiro, you are losing your grip on what sucks and what doesn't.

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