On 21/08/16 14:05, FRIGN wrote:
On Sun, 21 Aug 2016 12:18:45 +0200
Christoph Lohmann <2...@r-36.net> wrote:

Hey Christoph,

»My users are stupid[¹], let's make them more stupid[²] and helpless
[³].« -- new slogan of systemd

[¹] By assuming the users which really do some mount are not able to
do a fsck or handle it in the right order.
[²] Giving away the responsibility from the user to some software
logic and adding yet another undebuggable layer of dependency logic
will surely make things easier to understand and keep the leaning
curve low. [³] By adding the above mentioned new complexity users are
directly prohibited to learn about their system. This opens the
ground for a new generation of »Linux experts« who's only task is to
hide their incompetence. (As seen in many other technical markets,
the Microsoft software niche.)

We have seen where the hidden customer complexity theorem of Windows
has led.
yes, this is a very good point! Added to this is the question if this
automatic logic really covers all cases you could also handle in a
simple shell script.
I have an encrypted raid and it's a 10 LOC shell script to call all the
necessary dependencies in the openrc context. It is definitely
questionable how easy this job is if I wanted to solve the same problem
using systemd-mount.



I haven't been following this thread but I'd just like to add that I have been using systemd for years and I still haven't worked out how to use it.

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