Thanks for all the great feedback!

I installed sbase and ubase but it doesn't appear that suckless
assigns them to the proper directories e.g. /bin /sbin, /usr/bin,
/usr/sbin however everything is placed into /usr/local/bin. I assume
there was a thought or reason? Perhaps leaving it open for choice? I
was reading this site on posix directory structure[0] and not all the
programs belong to any one directory but it doesn't get specific on
which programs belong where lending itself to more of a judgement call
i suppose. Would you consider this a good reference or is there better
reading material for this? Sorry if i ask some odd questions, It seems
the posix way is cleaner and proper than gnu and I'm trying to stick
to it.

Side note: The readme for ubase doesn't list pcc as a known good
compiler but it appears to have done the job.


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