I have never been able to have my Linux client access folders and files
shared under Mac OS X Samba server. Apple replaced Samba with SMBX,
their home-cooked application for Windows File Sharing. By default, it
also doesn't do much logging. If you want to review logs, you'll have to
edit the launchd item. What a pain.


On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 09:54:04PM +0200, lukáš Hozda wrote:
Hello suckless folks,

I am not very familiar with the usage of mailing lists and unsure
whether this is the right place to post this request, but just like
the title says, I am collecting the sins of Apple. I will be having a
speech/presentation on problems of Apple the next week at my school
where I plan to talk about the wrongs against people and sane software
Apple has on account.

I share the passion for C and ingenious, simple, concise and fair
software and have been reading everything in dev and hackers mailing
lists for a few months, which inspired me to ask you, sane guys, who
seem to have a similar view on software and computers as I do, but
have much more experience and skill in the field, for some input as

Do you know about some bad things Apple has done in their pursuit of
ever-increasing profits? Do you know about ways Apple is against free
and open-source software? Please let me know. Naturally, if you know
about some good deeds of Apple, I accept them as well.

In return I will include everyone who shares some information in the
sources and briefly mention the great suckless community as well.

Thanks in advance,

P.S: If this is indeed the wrong place to post this or it doesn't
belong here for one reason or another, I am sincerely sorry and in
that case, please ignore this post/mail.

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