On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:08:21PM -0800, Leander S. Harding wrote:
> Search is indispensably useful and needful overall for general command
> output, which is why it should be implemented with a powerful/good ui
> at the multiplexer/TE layer, so that you're not maintaining two or
> more search facilities with similar-but-slightly-differing features.
> This though leads me toward the implementation of a suckless
> scrollback+select/yank/urlpick/etc handler that comes with a 'pager'
> util that just toggles its scroll-lock state like this. Like an even
> more suckless dvtm with the one extra feature that's on my mind right
> now. :)

Latest dvtm pipes the scroll back buffer content to external tools such
as dvtm-pager(1) (by default a shell wrapper around less(1) preserving
color escape codes) and dvtm-editor(1) a small utility invoking $EDITOR
for copy mode. That way your regular editor features can be used to
search, select and copy parts of the scroll back buffer content.

 Marc André Tanner >< http://www.brain-dump.org/ >< GPG key: 10C93617

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