On Mon, 20 Mar 2017 02:57:20 +0300
Alexander Krotov <ilab...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Alexander,

> I have crafted a program to convert farbfeld images to sixels:
> https://github.com/ilabdsf/ff2sixel

this is very cool! Sixels are definitely an interesting concept to view
images over an SSH-connection.

> Too bad st does not have a patch to display sixels, so I am going
> to use mlterm when I need to browse images.  One simple way to
> implement it in st is to cut out sixel images, convert them back
> to farbfeld (with separate process) and pass result to lel.  Not
> going to do it now, just an idea.

There were discussions on sixel support in st, and I think even some
code written for it. Can anybody give a status update on that one?

With best regards


Laslo Hunhold <d...@frign.de>

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