Laslo Hunhold <> wrote: > I honestly agree with you. There's no reason not to use HTTPS
Reason 1 is that https prevents content from being properly cached by ISP proxies or LAN proxies. It might not sound like a big deal, but if you are pressed up because of the lack of resources, it makes a difference. Not everybody is using a Suth Korean fiber connection. Reason 2 is that https prevents content from being filtered or modified by IDS', LAN proxies and the like. For example, I run an adblocker in my LAN that inspects http traffic and kills ads in it. Sure, preventing tampering is one of the core objectives of SSL/TLS, but sometimes there are legitimate reasons to do tampering on the data. -- OpenPGP Key Fingerprint: BB5A C2A2 2CAD ACB7 D50D C081 1DB9 6FC4 5AB7 92FA