On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 5:57 PM, Hiltjo Posthuma <hil...@codemadness.org> wrote:
>> <jer...@jardinmagique.info> wrote:
>> > TLDR: I use the mouse button3 to plumb the current selection in st,
>> > how would you feel about making this patch a core feature?
>> I like the idea but it should only be part of the core if enough
>> people want it to be which I doubt. Having it as a patch is good
>> enough for me.
> It is already possible with minor changes in the config.h using the
> clipboard selection for example. Adding a specific plumber solution
> might be outside the scope of st maybe.
> But keep sharing these ideas :)

Please share what you think about when you say "already possible with
minor changes in config.h", I'm interested :)

When it comes to adding something something to st, it just the
action/cmd behind the right click.
I couldn't find a way to specify an action for mouse events like one
could do in dwm.

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