On Sat, 16 Sep 2017, at 03:39 AM, Draco Metallium(Rodrigo S. Cañibano)
> Do you have color codes on your PS1? If you do, try removing them.

Tried removing them with no executing my bashrc like so:

./st -i -g =80x20 -f "Terminus
(TTF):pixelsize=48:antialias=true:autohint=true" -e bash --norc

As you can see from https://s.natalian.org/2017-09-16/st-norc.mp4
Or if you prefer the muted

Running without colour codes doesn't appear to make a difference.
Otherwise, I am not sure how to show the bottom line rendering issue in
the "universal text format".

2) So if I don't want "2B" on my terminal when I erroneously hit
Shift+↓, how do I "learn the system"?

$ grep 2B st.info

Commenting out this line didn't seem to do anything. How can live like a
"Mac hipster" on Linux and not get garbage on my terminal when I
accidentally hit a modifier key?


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