On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 23:15:35 +0200
Kamil Cholewiński <harry6...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Sep 2017, Antenore Gatta <anten...@simbiosi.org> wrote:
> > Well, I hope it's what you are looking for.  
> It's totally not, but I see where you're coming from :)
> You may want to look at Ansible Tower, Rundeck, or similar stuff.
> They all suck, but they do solve this kind of problem in a much more
> manageable manner.
> <3,K.

:-D Well I'm not living in the Pleistocene , most of our infrastructure
is managed through Puppet, but there is always that 20% that cannot be
done that way ;-)

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