Hi again!

I have another issue with QUARK, but this time is more performance focus.

Currently, after responding to a request, the child process just loops
and starts serving on the same socket as the parent, after only a few
requests the pstree looks like a forest:

              |       |          |       `-quark]
              |       |          |-quark---quark]
              |       |          `-quark]
              |       |-quark-+-quark
              |       |       `-quark---quark
              |       |-quark---quark
              |       `-quark
              |       |       |       `-quark
              |       |       |-quark---quark
              |       |       `-quark
              |       |-quark-+-quark---quark
              |       |       `-quark
              |       |-quark---quark
              |       `-quark
              |       |       `-quark
              |       |-quark---quark
              |       `-quark
              |       `-quark

The patch is just this:

diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index dc78eb0..754299a 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -243,4 +243,5 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
                        case 0:
                                serve(infd, &in_sa);
+                               exit(0);


Draco Metallium

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