Jochen Sprickerhof:
Up to dwm 6.1, the status bar text had a padding space on the very left edge. In 6.2, that's not there any more. Even if specifically adding one or more space glyphs to the text passed to "xsetroot -name", these are stipped.
Should be this on:

Yes, that's it. But I don't unserstand why this was merged. The status bar has multiple text areas: tags, layout symbol, window name, status. In the first three, the text content is padded. This change removes the padding only for the status area. I disagree with that design decision, IMHO it be padded, too. Was there a debate on this and rough consensus? If so, I'd love an option, but that's not the suckless way, so someone would need to maintain a patch.


If you upload your address book to "the cloud", I don't want to be in it.

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