On 7/5/19 1:13 PM, Miekiv wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, July 4, 2019 10:44 PM, Antenore Gatta <anten...@simbiosi.org> 

   > Well, it's probably because of a text property like  "very visible",
   > this one in particular is for the cursor, but I'm sure it's something
   > related/similar to that, "very visible" it's often translated to
   > blinking, underline or bold, that's why I think it's related.
   > Now, to find what is the exact ansi escape sequence that is sent, it's
   > not very easy, maybe you can check the ncmpcpp source code and see how
   > the clock is "rendered".

I looked into the source code responsible for the clock screen but didn't find 
anything responsible for font properties. Here are the links:
Could you take a look at them?

I've tried to reproduce the problem and for me it's more a refresh issue in st, it happens to me also when, with ranger, I try to preview images.

In fact, for me, it's not a blinking but a flashing behavior (sorry I know they are synonyms).

Can you confirm?

If it's the case I don't know how to help either.

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