> Choose an OS which has a small kernel and other minimal software
> that you need. (OpenBSD is the only one I can see here today)

suckless is strongly Linux-oriented - musl, ubase, smdev, nldev, nlmon

I wonder if it would make sense to make a little Linux kernel.
Everything that is unnecessary could be deleted. And yes, this
sounds controversial, but for example:



> On 9 Apr 2021, at 14:54, Sagar Acharya <sagaracha...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> I recently wrote this article
> https://designman.org/sagaracharya/blog/trusting_no_one
> being absolutely unaware about suckless and this was brought to my attention.
> Suckless's philosophy is hands down amazing and crucial wrt computer 
> security. Although I'd like to point out 1 aspect. Why does suckless target 
> very sophisticated users? If it shuns trying to go after elitist users, it 
> can improve computer security of people all around the world and also 
> themselves, since if others are secure, you yourself will become even more 
> secure!
> For it, there would be few requirements. Free software, minimal, easy to use, 
> beautiful to look at (by default). I guess the latter 2 are lagging a bit.
> Thanking you
> --
> Sagar Acharya
> https://designman.org
> P.S. Shifted completely to dwm this week. Can't even think of anything 
> theoretically better than this!

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