> Hey,

Hi Viktor,

> Usually I clean out ~/.surf/cache/localstorage for all but 2 sites. I found 
> out the emphemeral option could acomplish just that, and setting up peruri 
> options with all 3 permutations (each being same priority) turned out to not 
> work. It's either on, or off, as evidenced by the files being created or not, 
> and the userscript not accessing (or not being able to access) the locally 
> stored settings in the above dir. I make'd surf with a new keyboard command 
> to toggle ephemeral, but to no avail. 
> Am I missing something, or is this unexpected behavior?

Indeed, the ephemeral parameter can't be a togglable parameter.

I have in the pipes the project of having per-domain isolation,
regarding cache/cookies etc., and ephemeral would be one of this.

But current $job gets the most of me and I have no time left for this

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