On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 07:35:01AM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> I assume you mean writing css straight into html file itself. Kamitkami is 
> not meant for css that we write. One can use if one uses 1 single style file 
> which turns gigantic when used across many html files.
> It's meant for using css frameworks like cirrus. I use cirrus by stanley lim 
> and it's gigantic. I don't want most elements in the css which I include.
> Thanking you
> Sagar Acharya
> https://designman.org
> Oct 26, 2021, 04:56 by n...@disroot.org:
> > On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 08:36:31PM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> >
> >> I'm making this software called kamitkami. It's a python script which 
> >> takes 2 inputs foo.html and bar.css and outputs a css file named 
> >> bar_foo.css which contains only the css which applies to the particular 
> >> html page . This will make css extremely minimal and page loading faster.
> >>
> >
> > Wouldn't it make more sense to just inline the css into the html
> > instead? I think Dylan was doing that for K1SS.
> > https://archive.md/dFqxv
> >
> > - NRK
> >


One solution can be not using CSS frameworks and just write it by hand. It is
not hard to do, creates cleaner files and improves understanding of CSS.

Many years ago I wrote a small snippet:

There are also options for it in the inspectors in the browsers now.

Note that in the ugly web world for example it could need some ugly event and
execute Javascript and insert some ugly DOM element which is used in the CSS
(so you need to manually test for that). Otherwise it would be marked as not

Kind regards,

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