A simpler alternative to WiFi is to use wires 8-)

Seriously, the radio frequency techniques necessary to provide
sufficient throughput for today's applications are inevitably complex.

On Fri, May 12, 2023 at 05:43:04PM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> What I'm trying to find is a simple C program which can be run on Arduino and 
> analog pins connected to an antenna.

The lowest frequency at which WiFi operates is the 2.4GHz band, an
Arduino (there are many variants, of which some will be faster) is
likely to be clocked at 10s of MHz so will be unable to generate
suitable radio frequency signals at its analogue pins.

Back in the '90s I was running TCP/IP over amateur radio at low data
rates (9600 bps) using KA9Q NOS [1] which was a single C program for
DOS. It's probably close to the minimum needed for a router, although it
does typically include some application level features.

These days even embedded systems will likely use an RTOS which may
include an existing protocol stack, e.g. RTEMS [2] uses a port of the
FreeBSD stack.


[1] http://www.ka9q.net/code/ka9qnos/
[2] https://www.rtems.org/

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