On 7/5/23 16:53, Dave Blanchard wrote:
On Wed, 5 Jul 2023 11:55:59 +0300
Sergey Matveev <stargrave+suckl...@stargrave.org> wrote:

*** s...@plunder.tech [2023-07-04 19:37]:
I use ST without any patching, and have done so for years.  It is very fast and
works flawlessly in my experience.  All the other terminals have serious issues.
Agreed! I use st for more than 10 years already and completely do not
understand what are people missing from it, except for useless things
that must not be in it (like scrollback support).
Useless things like scrollback support. LOL

No noticeable or any seriously impacting issues I can remember so far.
Other than all of the "useless" missing features of course. And I guess you did 
not run into the multitude of noticeable little compatibility problems with software that 
is designed to expect the behavior of the gold standard, Xterm.

It does everything is
should. I run it with tmux running inside for scrollback, history
searching, multiple cut-n-paste buffers and so on.
Isn't that lovely, needing 15 different software packages set up and running to 
do what ONE well designed piece of software should be able to do by itself?

Thanks suckless community and its developers for their wonderful
software (I use dwm, st, dmenu, tabbed, slock) and inspiration resources
for non-bloated sane software!
Yes, it's so sane that you can't even configure the thing on the command line; you have 
to EDIT THE SOURCE FILE to change any options! And then when you complain that some of 
the options are completely undocumented, be prepared to be assaulted by some egghead who 
will scream at you that "well it CLEARLY says right here on page 573 of the Snorfus 
Obscure Guide to Terminal Interactions if you had only BOTHERED to look for that 
SNAGUWFLL means FooBarusLegolas, FOOL. Obviously you are too much of an IDIOT to use this 

If that's sanity, lock me up in the asylum, please.

Guys, what exactly are you trying to prove? That X is good and Y is bad? Well, my dad can fuck up your dad real good.



P. S. If you like software that does all the things at once and does them good (according to everyone) I suggest you try macos, maybe you'll find out something new about the world and/or yourself.

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