Дана 24/06/21 10:45AM, Greg Reagle написа:
> Rust also has some good safety and ease-of-use features.  It is very 
> big and complex with a lot of features (compared to C).

Previous thread, now necroed:


* * *

Rust sucks. It was made by Big Tech (Mozilla) and aggressively 
advertised as a replacement for C. There are numerous "replacements" 
for Unix tools rewritten in Rust, all following the same "mainstream 
dev" pattern.

C needs no replacement. C is a mature, standardized language (unlike 
Rust), tightly intertwined with Unix and Unix-like systems as described 

Pascal is a language tailored for introductory level programming. It 
was used in high school and freshman university courses here in the 
late 90s and early 2000s. I don't know of any examples of serious 
software written in Pascal.

Ada was already mentioned in your previous thread that I linked above, 
as an alternative to Rust if one cares about "safe" languages. It was a 
heavily extended version of Pascal made for the use of USAF.

* * *

Safety is overrated. The more "safe" a language is, the less it can do. 
The more the programmer is "protected" from "shooting himself in the 
foot", the less control he has over the program. The most powerful 
language is assembler/machine code, and C is very close.

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