Дана 24/06/21 09:14PM, Markus Wichmann написа:
> Let me offer a counterpoint: Expressiveness. If I make a function return
> a bool, then everyone from the world's worst junior dev to Ken Thompson
> himself will be able to see at the very first glance that the function
> is returning a boolean value. If I make a function return an int, that
> is not so clear.

Maybe a "junior dev" who learned to program in Java or C# would only be 
able to see it if _Bool was used instead of int, but the rest of the 
world is (idiomatically and intuitively - knowing that logical type in 
C is int and how it is usually used, aside from deducing from the name 
of the function itself) going to have no problem understanding that

        int isalpha(int c);

returns 0 if the parameter c is not a letter, and !=0 otherwise, and 
that it perfectly plugs into if-constructs:

        if (!isalpha(s[i]))
                // ...

This is one of those places where C is closer to machine code/assembler 
than, say, level of abstraction (obscurity) of Pascal or Java.

> Isn't it all about familiarity in the end? Or can you articulate what
> parts of C11 and C23 you find objectionable?

Just a few examples:

- C11: bounds checking interfaces (now even suggested for removal)
- C23: nullptr{_t,}, true/false, _BigInt, "C++ compatibility" - just no.

The overarching trend seems to be that C is gradually turning into C++ 
lite with all the keywords, attributes, etc. There's no need for any of 

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