After three failed attempts, we decided to kick off the rc4 vote by knowing
1) all the p0 & p1 issues have been resolved, 2) with all the effort we
included in the last few rounds, Superset IS at its best state in history
since its inception.
As the PM for Superset, as much as I would like to get Superset to a
“Perfect State” by 1.0, I hope that the product can keep reaching its
milestones and be known and adopted by a broader range of users.
(More importantly, to keep the 1.0 release team and our P0 heroes sane 🙏.
Huge thanks to Ville, Jesse, Evan, Beto and Yongjie! )

We appreciate all the testing effort and feedback from the community. We
are committed to addressing the rest of the filed and new issues on GitHub,
continually improving our product to meet users’ needs.

Thus, I’m voting *+1* for rc4. I hope, after all the great work we had put
in, the vote can finally pass at the fourth attempt.


On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 10:28 PM Ville Brofeldt <>

> Hello Superset Community,
> This is a call for the vote to release Apache Superset version 1.0.0.
> All reported critical bugs in 1.0.0rc3 have been addressed.
> The full list of PRs added since 1.0.0rc3 are as follows:
> - Fix 500 error when loading dashboards with slice having deleted dataset
> (#12535) (@bechob)
> - fix: case expression should not have double quotes (#12562)
> (@betodealmeida)
> - fix: height on grid results (#12558) (@betodealmeida)
> - fix(viz): missing groupby and broken adhoc metrics for boxplot (#12556)
> (@ktmud)
> - fix: Add MAX_SQL_ROW value to LIMIT_DROPDOWN (#12555) (@hughhhh)
> - fix: Popover closes on change of dropdowns values (#12410) (@geido)
> The release candidate:
> Git tag for the release:
> The Change Log for the release:
> The Updating instructions for the release:
> public keys are available at:
> The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until the necessary number
> of votes are reached.
> Please vote accordingly:
> [ ] +1 approve
> [ ] +0 no opinion
> [ ] -1 disapprove with the reason
> Thanks,
> The Apache Superset Team
> --------------------------

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