Thank you guys for the amazing work!

Il giorno mer 3 nov 2021 alle ore 21:52 Junlin Chen <jun...@preset.io> ha

> +1(binding) !! finally is happening!
> Thank you, Yongjie for implementing the solutions, Ville for leading the
> project, and both for improving Superset's developer's experience !
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 12:15 PM Evan Rusackas <e...@preset.io> wrote:
> > An emphatic +1 (binding)! This work would save countless hours of work,
> > reduce various change management risks in superset, and hopefully
> increase
> > organic contribution to the product. I’m excited!
> >
> > [X] +1 approve
> > [ ] +0 no opinion
> > [ ] -1 disapprove with the reason
> >
> > Evan Rusackas
> > Preset | preset.io
> >

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