Hi Evan,

Thanks for sharing.

Regarding (5) is it possible to delay this? We (Airbnb) are currently
working on a revised migration workflow from legacy filters (filter-box
charts, filter scopes, et al.) to native filters (see SIP-64 for details).
It seems potentially prudent to have this logic persist for a period to
allow organizations sufficient time to manually migrate their legacy
filters prior to fully deprecating/removing filter-box charts.


On Sat, Mar 18, 2023 at 4:43 AM Evan Rusackas <e...@preset.io.invalid>

> Hi all,
> As proposed last week, we’re going to be sending waves of (mostly
> breaking) change proposals for lazy consensus. This is the first round, but
> there will likely be more. Again, these are seeking permission to merge
> these changes in while the breaking change window is open on the repo. They
> might not all make it in, and those that are not completed before the
> release is cut will be carried over as “pre-approved” for the subsequent
> major release (4.0).
> Each of these is seeking individual lazy consensus. If you object to any
> of these changes or wish for further clarification on any of them, please
> let us know which you would like to stop or discuss, and we can hash it out
> in a  here on the list, on Slack, in Town Hall, etc.
> 1) Migrate RLS server side page to client side React - this will re-merge
> a previously reverted PR that converts this view to a React page in our
> Single Page App
> 2) Deprecate and remove the UX_BETA feature flag - these features have
> been stable/tested long enough!
> 3) Make all API v1 resource names plural. Ex: /api/v1/dashboard/ ->
> /api/v1/dashboards/
> 4) Remove support for legacy short URLs ( /r URLs)
> 5) Deprecate/Remove FilterBox component,
> 6) Remove drag and drop feature flags (ENABLE_EXPLORE_DRAG_AND_DROP &
> ENABLE_DND_WITH_CLICK_UX), and remove legacy code paths
> 7) Remove react-select package dependency and clear out or refactor
> remaining usage accordingly
> 8) Remove Pivot Table in favor of Pivot Table V2
> 9) Remove all superset/* REST APIs marked as deprecated
> 10)  Set GENERIC_CHART_AXES Feature flag to True by default
> 11) [Cleanup] Follow through on removal of Legacy Druid Connector
> feature flags
> 13) Remove/Migrate Multiple Line Charts in favor of ECharts replacement
> Thank you all for your consideration. The next wave (dare I say tranche?)
> will be coming soon.
> Evan Rusackas
> Preset | preset.io
> Apache Superset PMC

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