Hi, community!

I decided to commandeer SIP-41 "Proposal for Alignment of Backend Error Handling" (https://github.com/apache/superset/issues/9298) from John Bodley and bring it to discussion, since it's been open for more than 3 years and is partially adopted in Superset. If John wants to lead this discussion I'm happy to step back.

For context, SIP-41 calls for a standard way of raising handling exceptions in the Superset backend. In the SIP John doesn't propose a specific way, but expresses his preference for using Flask application error handlers. This is also my preferred way, and how I've been implementing new exceptions since then.

With the Flask application error handlers already in place *one can simply raise an exception anywhere in the code*, and the backend will return a SIP-40 (https://github.com/apache/superset/issues/9194) compliant error payload. It greatly simplifies the API logic, since we can call commands outside a try/except block (see https://github.com/apache/superset/pull/13960/files#diff-f9deb9b63f5f2db38b811ff092cf90b0d4d558223f743bbbb5b203c203d2d590L607-L613).

Note that many of the APIs are still using the @safe decorator from FAB, which prevents exceptions from bubbling up to Flask, and returns an error payload that *is not SIP-40 compliant* (https://github.com/apache/superset/pull/13960/files#diff-f9deb9b63f5f2db38b811ff092cf90b0d4d558223f743bbbb5b203c203d2d590L561). These should be removed regardless of the decision on SIP-41, but adopting Flask error handlers for SIP-41 means we can simply remove the decorator to return SIP-40 payloads.

One controversial point is that in order to work correctly we need to define HTTP status codes on the exceptions (https://github.com/apache/superset/blob/8eff5a75b433592462fba3841419efbe264f9745/superset/exceptions.py#L119). While this might violate the principle of separation of concerns, I think this aligns pretty well with Python's principle of "practicality beats purity", since it allows us to write a very thin API layer.


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