Hi all,

(Apologies if you have written somewhere how to write code snippets and I 
haven’t read it.)

I’m working on the issue in the subject (the website lgtm.com found some issues 
with the projects, 5 of which are considered “Errors”). I have 2 questions.

The first error I’m tackling has to do with a possible malicious redirect:

if has_access:
    return redirect('/superset/dashboard/{}'.format(dashboard_id))

Where the `dashboard_id` comes from the user input:

def request_access(self):
  datasources = set()
  dashboard_id = request.args.get('dashboard_id')
  if dashboard_id:
     dash = (

One way to deal with that is to verify that the `dashboard_id` is a number 
(maybe between 0 and some_max_value). Question 1: Are there 
existing/standardized ways in the project to deal with this kind of issue?

Question 2: I’m trying to write a unit test to expose this functionality. I’ve 
written very naively:

def test_dashboard_endpoint_malicious_redirect(self):
  resp = self.get_resp(
    data=dict(username='admin', password='general'))
  self.assertNotIn('User confirmation needed', resp)

  resp = self.get_resp('/request_access?dashboard_id=0')
  assert resp.status_code == 404

and I was expecting the function request_access to be called with a 
dashboard_id equal to 0, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. What other unit 
test can I use as an example?

All the best,

Gianluca Ciccarelli
Data Engineer @ Bolt

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