Hi Everyone, I am Gaurav Agrawal, a student who often likes to work on superset and engage with the community.
I am aware that superset has recently been appreciated for improving the docs, but I feel for further improvements and project's outreach with students around the world it could be really nice for it to participate in Google Season of Docs. It's deadline for Organizations is very near, around 4th May is the last date. As It comes under Apache so I am not completely sure about project's policies and procedures for the same. The second thing is about improving the curve for newcomers and students, one such great trick for doing such thing is Newcomer issues, this is a very popular and established way which many open source projects adopt. They leave many issues explicitly which are not so urgent and are newcomer friendly for students and newcomers by labelling them as "newcomers" or "good first issue" . In some cases developers even leave comments that can make solving the issue really easy. If this is a feasible option for Superset I would really like to see this happening so that we can have more and more people getting comfortable and started with it. I feel that for any open source project newcomers are a great and for students/newcomers themselves Open source is a great way to learning a lot of things like coding, community engagement, distributed development workflow etc. Thanks for your time and consideration, hope that these ideas will be considered. Best Regards, Gaurav