Am 01/12/10 12:40, Laurent Godard schrieb:
Hi all

is it possible to have different paths for the "My Documents" setting
and the default directory where OOo creates .odb files

the problem is that i want to specify the MyDocument on a shared path
over a network for multiple users (for any "Open" operation, default
path, written protected) but i also want that any mail merge ressource
(.odb file implicitely created from a calc file for example) is stored on a per user basis to avoid conflicts and have written permissions

seems to be located in paths.xcu file but i don't find any information
on the keys that may be used in this file
i may be wrong on digging on this file though

the code to register a new data source uses the 'work path' to store the odb-file. There is no special path for odb-files.



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