Hi Rajith,
it is not much about newer application servers. In fact it is a requirement of 
the Java EE specification. In the Java EE 1.3 spec it was only forbidden in the 
EJB container, if I'm not wrong. At least the wording had not been very strict 
on this. Since J2EE 1.4 all J2EE/JEE servers may throw a JMSException, if an 
application violates these requirements. This section is more or less unchanged 
in the Java EE specification, v5. Some application server out there changed 
their behaviour at some point. Please see below for more details on this!

We also have plans to adhere to the proposed binding for SOAP over JMS 
PROTECTED]> . At the same time, we need to update our code to not use 
setMessageListener() etc. which the newer JEE app servers (such as WebSphere) 
does not allow..

                Sorry I am not aware of this. Why is this not allowed?
                Any pointer to this ?

I can give you at least one pointer: Java(tm) 2 Platform Enterprise Edition 
Specification, v1.4 (J2EE.6.6 Java(tm) Message Service (JMS) 1.1 Requirements).
The following methods may only be used by application components
executing in the application client container:
* javax.jms.Session method setMessageListener
* javax.jms.Session method getMessageListener
* javax.jms.Session method run
* javax.jms.QueueConnection method createConnectionConsumer
* javax.jms.TopicConnection method createConnectionConsumer
* javax.jms.TopicConnection method createDurableConnectionConsumer
* javax.jms.MessageConsumer method getMessageListener
* javax.jms.MessageConsumer method setMessageListener
* javax.jms.Connection method setExceptionListener
* javax.jms.Connection method stop
* javax.jms.Connection method setClientID

A J2EE container may throw a JMSException (if allowed by the method) if the
application component violates these restrictions.
Application components in the web and EJB containers must not attempt to
create more than one active (not closed) Session object per connection. An
attempt to use the Connection object's createSession method when an active
Session object exists for that connection should be prohibited by the container.
The container may throw a JMSException if the application component violates
this restriction. 
The JMS specification is available at http://java.sun.com/products/jms.


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