Asankha C. Perera wrote:
Well, it is possible to keep this out of synapse of course, if synapse doesn't want it.
As Sanjiva suggested, it could be a separate maven module or outside of Synapse. I would slightly prefer the latter because I think it would not be useful for a general Synapse install, and also to limit the number of maven modules

I wasn't suggesting keeping it out of Synapse - just a separate maven module. I don't see why limiting the number of maven modules would be a requirement at all. Also, OSGi is getting tremendous traction across the board- having the capability to use its functionality to do things easier/better is not a bad thing for Synapse.

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
Member; Apache Software Foundation;
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa;


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