Hi Bill,

OMAttributeEx implements OMAttribute interface. So you may check instance of
OMAttribute. This way you don't have to change access modifiers. Also
additional imports are not necessary.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Asankha C. Perera <asan...@apache.org>wrote:

>  Hi Bill
> ....
> *Solution:*
> I added the following code to synapseXpath.java::stringValueOf at line 206:
>                     ...
>                     } else if (o instanceof OMAttributeEx) {
>                         textValue.append(
> ((OMAttributeEx)o).getAttributeValue());
>                    }
>                    ...
> Also, since the type OMAttributeEx is an inner class of type
> DocumentNavigator I needed to add an import statement in SynapseXPath.java:
> import org.apache.axiom.om.xpath.DocumentNavigator.OMAttributeEx;
> Unfortunately, OMAtributeEx is defined as private to class
> DocumentNavigator so I had to declare class and constructor OMAttributeEx as
> public in the module DocumentNavigator.java in the Axiom project module
> axiom-api.jar.
> If someone can point me to instructions for how to create a patch I will
> post one here.
> I think your solution is correct.. if your question is "how to create a
> patch with svn?".. you should go to the project root, and issue "svn diff >
> changes.patch" and attach this patch to a JIRA (selecting that you grant the
> Apache foundation the rights to use the code).. then one of the comitters of
> the relevant project (Synapse, Axiom etc) will apply the patch to the
> codebase
> cheers
> asankha
> --
> Asankha C. Perera
> AdroitLogic, http://adroitlogic.org
> http://esbmagic.blogspot.com

Saliya Ekanayake

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