> > Ok thanks. However I can't seem to subscribe the User to a new
> > Resource even by specifying the password - I guess it is complaining
> > that the new password is the same as the old one. So there is no way
> > to propagate an existing User to a remote resource without also
> > changing the password, is this correct?
> Hi Colm,
> the default password history is specified by the global password policy.
> You could change it to permit password change with the same password.
> BTW, I would implement a simple improvement related to your issue.
> I do think that in case of new resource subscription (explicitly or 
> implicitly),
> password should be mandatory if and only a mapping for internal attribute
> "Password" exists for that resource.
> If the new subscribed resource doesn't require password value, then a new
> password specification shouldn't be required.

I think this is an excellent idea! Passwords should only be mandatory, if they 
should be synchronized.

Best regards.

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