On 11/01/2013 11:21, Fabio Martelli wrote:
Il giorno 11/gen/2013, alle ore 11.00, Andrei Shakirin ha scritto:


Working on integration tests improvement (1), I discovered that almost all 
persistence beans have TABLE generated Id strategy defined in orm.xml: user, 
role, membership, mapping, connInstance, attr.
Anyway AUTO generated Id strategy is defined for following of the persistence 
beans: AbstractDerAttr, AbstractVirAttr, Notification, UserRequest.
Is there good reason to keep it differently?
Hi Andrei,
I cannot remember the good reason for this differences but it there was ...
In our experience with Apache Syncope (especially at the beginning) there are 
troubles with AUTO generated id in case of high concurrence.

Not only: some specific table generator associated to a given entity (or set of entities) were defined, and defined in orm.xml, not by annotations - in order to give more flexibility when dealing with specific requirements in id generation.

 From my PPOV you can try to change this implementation but you have to verify 
your fix with all the supported databases generating a lot of concurrent 
accesses to the entities interested by your changes.
Actually I am struggling with strange effect in NotificationTestITCase: 
create() and issueSYNCOPE83() work successfully ONLY if delete() removes 
Notification with id=101.
If delete() is marked with @Ignore - create() and issueSYNCOPE83() throw 
DataIntegrityViolation exception.
Even more strange: if previously running tests: AuthenticationTestITCase, 
ConfigurationtestITCase, ConnInstanceTestITCase, DerivedSchemaTestITCase are 
deactivated, problem is not reproducible anymore - create() and 
issueSYNCOPE83() work successfully without delete().
I guess the problem is caused Id generation, will investigate it a little bit 

Have anyone other ideas what could be the reason?
I cannot be sure about the reason but, please, consider that integration tests 
are interdependent: the order and the existence of a certain test are often 

Exactly, here's why text execution order is fixed.
Consider that integration tests were added over time and that their number is starting to be quite considerable...



(1)    https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SYNCOPE-268

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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