I have an issue serializing and unserializing ReportTO using jaxb.

The problem is at the ReportletConf list:
    public List<ReportletConf> getReportletConfs() {
        return reportletConfs;

As ReportletConf is an interface JAXB can not handle it. So we get an
IllegalAnnotationException or similar and JAXB does not even initialize.

So I introduced the annotation below. This allowed the serialization to run.

The problem now is that the result of the serialization is not complete
and can not be deserialized into the actual classes.
This is how it looks (in an example I did with simplified classes:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"

As you can see there is not enough information to detect the real class.

So I tried to change the signature to use the abstract class and not use
the annotation:
public List<AbstractReportletConf> getReportletConfs()

This works:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"

>From the xsi:type jaxb knows the class to instantiate.

So there are the following questions:

- Is there a better way to achieve correct serialization of interfaces ?
- Would it be ok if I change ReportletTO to use the abstract class?
- I would like to avoid the xsi:type and instead have elements for each
class extending AbstractReportletConf. Is that possible?

Best regards


Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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