Hi Francesco,

do you mean opening another improvement issue, besides SYNCOPE-164, for
> synchronizing non-cleartext passwords?

Yes. I see them as separate use-cases. This task is to synchronize
(non-cleartext) passwords into Syncope, passthrough authentication is to
delegate user authentication to the backend resource. Do you agree with
this distinction?

> I agree with this but I don't see it as particularly straightforward:
> consider for example that we cannot refer to any specific connector bundle
> from inside the SyncopeSyncResultHandler, hence we should find the cleanest
> place to encapsulate the following logic:

Yep, good point.


On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org
> wrote:

> On 11/02/2013 13:30, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:
>> Hi Francesco,
>>  This should be instead: "The ability to synchronize non-cleartext
>>> passwords from external resources sounds like a nice new feature, isn't it?"
>> Yes I think so. I think the passthrough authentication use-case is more
>> powerful, as I don't see an easy way to support (for example) salting
>> using
>> this approach. But it should be pretty straightforward to implement, just
>> treat the retrieved password as hashed according to an algorithm set on
>> the
>> Connector for the DB Connector, or via "{CIPHER}VALUE" for LDAP, etc.
>> Shall
>> I create a JIRA for this task?
> Hi Colm,
> do you mean opening another improvement issue, besides SYNCOPE-164, for
> synchronizing non-cleartext passwords?
> I agree with this but I don't see it as particularly straightforward:
> consider for example that we cannot refer to any specific connector bundle
> from inside the SyncopeSyncResultHandler, hence we should find the cleanest
> place to encapsulate the following logic:
> if (password.isClearText()) {
> // do as currently done
> } else {
>   if (connector.isLDAP()) {
>    // extract cipher and value
>   } else if (connector.isDBTable()) {
>    // treat value as ciphered with the cipher defined in connector
> configuration
>   } else {
>     ...
>   }
> }
> Regards.
>  On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Francesco Chicchiriccò
>> <ilgro...@apache.org>wrote:
>>  On 05/02/2013 13:53, Francesco Chicchiriccň wrote:
>>>  On 05/02/2013 12:48, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:
>>>>  Hi all,
>>>>> Just thinking aloud here about how passwords are encoded in Syncope.
>>>>> Let's
>>>>> say I have some Users in an SQL backend I want to synchronize into
>>>>> Syncope.
>>>>> I want to 'retrieve passwords' in the Connector, as I want to allow
>>>>> users
>>>>> to call on the 'rest/user/verifyPassword/X.****json?password=Y' API,
>>>>> and
>>>>> so I
>>>>> provide an appropriate mapping.
>>>>>  Currently this cannot work: the password value synchronizing from
>>>> external resource is currently just ignored - a new random
>>>> policy-compliant
>>>> password is generated (look at the end of ConnObjectUtil.****
>>>> getAttributableTO()
>>>> - called by SyncopeSyncResultHandler.****create()).
>>>>  Correction: as correctly pointed out by Colm, this happens only if no
>>> password was provided by the synchronizing resource.
>>>   If the passwords are stored in the backend in a hashed format then
>>> there
>>>> is
>>>>> no way of successfully calling the above API from what I can see. The
>>>>> 'Password Cipher Algorithm' String of the Connector only applies to the
>>>>> hashing algorithm used for propagation not for synchronization.
>>>>> PasswordEncoder.verify() will hash the user password according to
>>>>> user.getCipherAlgorithm(), and so it will end up hashing the password
>>>>> twice
>>>>> in this use-case.
>>>>>  Actually this use case, e.g. authenticating users against an external
>>>> resource, is covered by SYNCOPE-164 as "passthrough authentication".
>>>>   Does it make sense that if the Connector is configured to hash
>>>> passwords
>>>>> on
>>>>> the propagation side using a given algorithm, that we can have some
>>>>> internal logic in Syncope that will treat a retrieved password as
>>>>> hashed
>>>>> according to this algorithm?
>>>>>  Definitely yes: the way how the synchronizing password value is
>>>> interpreted could also depend on the connector: for example
>>>> for LDAP.
>>>> The ability to synchronize passwords from external resources sounds like
>>>> a nice new feature, isn't it?
>>>>  This should be instead: "The ability to synchronize non-cleartext
>>> passwords from external resources sounds like a nice new feature, isn't
>>> it?"
>>> Regards.
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member
> http://people.apache.org/~**ilgrosso/<http://people.apache.org/~ilgrosso/>

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