On 15/03/2013 11:14, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
Hi all,
as you might have noticed, our Jenkins jobs [1] are quite unstable,
lately more than ever.
This is not due to actual test failures but (almost always) to the
inability of Jenkins nodes to start Tomcat via cargo within 2 minutes
(the default for cargo, 120000 msecs).
And this is in turn caused by the high load under which the ASF
Jenkins infrastructure is working; lately more than ever.
Having seen this trend, I have recently added some Syncope jobs to our
company Jenkins instance [2]; this in order to have a more reliable
reference to understand at first glance whether an ASF Jenkins failure
is actually due to test failures or not.
But this is not satisfying for different reasons:
1. it is a private - even though publicly accessible - Jenkins
instance: for this reason, for example, it is not configured for
sending messages to dev@syncope.apache.org (as instead ASF Jenkins does)
2. it cannot access ASF JIRA to publish test results as an issue
comment (is that true?)
3. we don't have enough bandwidth to continuously publish Maven
artifacts to ASF snapshot repository
4. I don't know if this is allowed by ASF policies
If there is no way out of this ASF Jenkins trouble, I'd propose then
to find some other free CI over the Internet (Cloudbees Jenkins [3] or
Travis CI [4]).
Forgot to add: Jackrabbit is already using Travis CI [5] so there
shouldn't be any "formal" problem with that; only, we need that our
repository is also mirrored to Github, as Colm requested a while ago [6].
[1] https://builds.apache.org/view/S-Z/view/Syncope/
[2] http://jenkins.tirasa.net/
[3] http://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins-enterprise-by-cloudbees-overview.cb
[4] https://travis-ci.org/
[5] https://travis-ci.org/apache/jackrabbit-oak
[6] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-5837
Francesco Chicchiriccò
ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member