Hi all, we had some discussion in the past about random errors with Java 7 and the -Pjaxrs Maven profile. Today I have updated CXF from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4 and most of such errors seems to disappear (I've been executing some times -Pjaxrs with either OpenJDK 7 and Oracle JDK 7 on different platforms).
Only two remain, in ConnInstanceTestITCase, when calling connectorService.list(null) This call is intentioned to be routed to ConnectorServiceImpl.list(null), while instead it goes to ConnectorService.readByResource(null): I guess that CXF gets confused by the JAX-RS annotations on ConnectorService: @GET List<ConnInstanceTO> list(@QueryParam("lang") String lang); @GET ConnInstanceTO readByResource(@MatrixParam("resourceName") String resourceName); with null param, in fact, there seems to be no way find the right match. Why don't we have instead @GET @Path("{resourceName}") ConnInstanceTO readByResource(@PathParam("resourceName") String resourceName); ? This should solve the issue, but I guess there is some best practice here, so here's why I am asking. For the moment I have changed, in ConnInstanceTestITCase the calls above to connectorService.list("") and this makes the tests run smoothly. Final remark: why "ConnectorService" (and derived) instead of ConnInstanceService (and derived)? Connectors and ConnInstance (e.g. connector instances) are distinct in Syncope. Regards. -- Francesco Chicchiriccò ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member http://people.apache.org/~ilgrosso/