Done [3].

At the moment:

 1. all Spring MVC tests pass
 2. all CXF tests pass with application/xml
3. CXF tests with application/json: Tests run: 222, Failures: 0, Errors: 53, Skipped: 1

I am confident that most - while not all - JSON failures will be solved by Sergey's fix on CXF [2], when available.


On 18/07/2013 09:38, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
Hi all,
I had a couple of days to play with the trunk and I have took the chance to upgrade some legacy dependencies:

 1. commons-lang 2.6 -> commons-lang3 3.1
2. jackson 1.9.12 -> 2.2.2 (for this I had to upgrade CXF to 2.7.6-SNAPSHOT as well, but 2.7.6 should be on its way, so no problems)

Unfortunately Activiti 5.13 is still pulling in the legacy versions of these dependencies, but I am trying to manage this with Activiti team [1] (if you have an account there, please log in an vote, it will help grabbing their attention).

Besides this, I have also started some experiments with JSON and CXF that lead to some interaction with Sergey on the CXF user list [2].

As you can imagine, I have changed a lot of files; however all tests (including -Pjaxrs) are still working fine.

I was wondering if someone else has some pending changes that would be affected by my commit, hence this mail. If there are no objections in the meanwhile, I will commit my changes in the afternoon.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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