On 19/08/2013 17:56, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 19/08/2013 16:20, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

I'm looking into reproducing the CXF related test failures reported by Francesco and I'm struggling to get the test failing consistently.

I've just seen them failing in the core module, then I went to "core", tried

mvn test -Dtest=SchemaTestITCase

and it fails with the connection failures, next I do

mvn clean install in the "core", I see all tests passing.

How do I get the tests failing consistently for me ?

The easiest path:

1. mvn -pskipTests (from root)
2. mvn clean verify (from core subdirectory)

If you want to run just a single integration test (always from core subdirectory):

mvn -Pdev -Dit.test=SchemaTestITCase

Forgot to mention: if instead you want to start the full integration test environment (with JPDA debug enabled) so that you can run any integration test you like from your favorite IDE, just launch (again from core subdirectory):

mvn -Pdebug


Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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