Il 24/06/2014 12:24, Colm O hEigeartaigh ha scritto:
Hi all,

What are the new task "rules" that have been added to trunk? When I create
a new synchronization task with the default "Matching/Update"
"Unmatching/Assign", it appears that the selected LDAPPasswordSyncActions
class is not run.


Hi Colm, matching/unmatching rules can be configured in order to specify a specific behaviour in case of matching (sync user found locally) and unmatching (sync user not found locally) scenarios.

For example, I can ask to syncope to unlink the synchronized resource from the local account that matches the synchronized one.

This is the issue [1], still in progress: maybe you are facing with a bug (maybe just on the admin console). If you can/want, please investigate more, otherwise, be patient: we will fix it very soon.

Best regards,


Fabio Martelli

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Apache Syncope PMC

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