I've opened SYNCOPE-700 to track this work.

You can find the initial work rendered at [8] (under the "New documentation" title), with the two guides I believe are required, both available as HTML and PDF.

As written below, I've added the POM configuration for generating such documentation via AsciiDoctor, in a separate "doc" build profile, and some initial skeleton with commit [9].

Naturally, several things need to be improved (footer content over all) and, mainly, the actual content is to be written. Meanwhile, can you take a look at proposed Table Of Contents and let me have your feedback?


On 28/09/2015 14:06, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 28/09/2015 13:18, Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro wrote:
Hi all,

this morning I found this thesis [1].
I disagree about some points, but I note with regret that the documentation of Apache Syncope is not complete and exhaustive. There are many features that are currently not explained anywhere. With this mail I would like to invite all of you to work together to make Syncope more attractive and interesting.


I completely agree with you.

I see the great amount of inexact and / or misunderstood facts reported in [1] (but also in [2]) and I am getting more and more convinced that we absolutely need to produce a comprehensive documentation, to be maintained and aligned with software releases (as OpenJPA does [3], for example) rather than a loosely coupled stack of ageing wiki pages.

I am ready to open an issue on JIRA for this, and I also volunteer for setting up the initial structure and tooling.

My idea is that an adequate tool for this job needs to:

 1. bundled to Maven build and (possibly) Maven site
 2. produce at least HTML and PDF output
 3. be diffuse enough

I've seen that Docbkx [4] and the related Maven plugin [5] are quite stable and fulfils the requirements above . I'd rather go with AsciiDoc [6] and related Maven plugin [7], claiming to do all that and also be fast (and "à la page" nowadays, it seems).


[1] https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/92040/Viitanen_Samu.pdf?sequence=1
[2] https://compare.evolveum.com/details-syncope.html
[3] http://openjpa.apache.org/builds/2.4.0/apache-openjpa/docs/main.html
[4] http://docbkx-tools.sourceforge.net/
[5] http://blog.javaforge.net/post/30820930927/generating-project-documentation-with-maven-docbook-docb
[6] http://asciidoctor.org/
[7] http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoctor-maven-plugin/
[8] http://ilgrosso.github.io/syncope2/
[9] http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/syncope/commit/5dc51917

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC

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