I received an email from GSoC stating that during the final evaluations, I will need to submit a link to the code written during the project. See https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/help/work-product
I believe that this should be the commits page <https://github.com/tmess567/SYNCOPE-809/commits/master> of my project repository <https://github.com/tmess567/SYNCOPE-809>. Will this be OK? I am also working on updating and maintaining a set of tagged posts on my blog which can be added to the submitted links and might also be helpful in documentation. See http://opensourcefever.netai.net/category/syncope/ Regards, -- Tushar Mishra Website: tusharmishra.in University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Computer Science with specialization in Open Source Software and Open Standards Semester VII +91-9675785996